René Girard Quotes

“Individualism is a formidable lie.” “More than ever, I am convinced that history has meaning – and that its meaning is terrifying.” “Victimism uses the ideology of concern for victims to gain political or economic or spiritual power.” “The profound self is a universal self.” “Passive, submissive imitation does exist, but hatred of conformity and […]


Mimetic desire is the hyperobject hidden since the foundation of the world.

Mimetic System

A mimetic system is a structure sustained by mimetic desire and the mimetic process.

Social Fact

A social fact is an idea originating with the sociologist Émile Durkheim—it’s something that has a genesis in the institutions or culture of a society which affects the behavior or attitudes or any one member of that society. Mimetic systems and the scapegoat mechanism are examples of Social facts. The University of Colorado gives the […]